Plan your Rovaniemi holiday
So you’re planning on traveling to Rovaniemi, the Official Hometown of Santa Claus? Wonderful, welcome to Lapland, Finland!
Here you’ll find information on how and when to travel to Rovaniemi, how things work once you’ve arrived, how to get around Rovaniemi and lots more useful tips and advice. Please see below the different sections we’ve put together to help you plan your trip to the Arctic Circle!
Right Now
Getting here
Rovaniemi is situated in Finnish Lapland, right on the Arctic Circle. Despite the northern location, getting here is easy with great transport connections. See details here.
Getting around
Rovaniemi is a town with short distances. The centre is easily explored on foot, and many transport options are available for reaching the surroundings. Find out more here.
Tourist Information
The modern facilities of Tourist Information in familiar brand colours of Visit Rovaniemi, welcome travellers to The Official Hometown of Santa Claus®.
FAQ / Ask us
Have you got concerns ahead of your trip to Rovaniemi or are you not sure how things work once you’ve arrived? See our FAQ and find useful information!
Rovaniemi Webcams
Santa Claus Village webcam, Ounasvaara webcam and Koivusaari webcam all give you a chance to sneak peek the accurate, current view in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland.
Here you’ll find Rovaniemi travel brochures in different languages. If you wish to receive brochures in print, please contact us – see more!
Tips for your Rovaniemi holiday
A guide for responsible Northern Lights -experience in Rovaniemi
Find your Northern Lights -activity
Early Winter Highlights
Book Early Winter activities
Midnight Sun experiences in Rovaniemi
Midnight Sun Activitites
10 Northern Lights activities
Aurora Borealis are visible from late August until end of March or beginning of April
Romantic summer holiday
Easier than ever before to fly to Rovaniemi
There are over 40 direct flight connections from Europe to Rovaniemi. There are several connections through Helsinki as well.